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If you hang onto it and give it (plus a few tech cards) to the Baron before the final mission, it'll be upgraded to the Protector's Broadsword, one of the best weapons in the game. Heroes Prefer Swords: Your first weapon is the Broken Broadsword.Empowered Badass Normal: You can go toe-to-toe with some of the nastiest planet-side fauna even before unlocking Techs if you're careful, acquiring Techs and their powers simply give you an extra edge.Doomed Hometown: Earth and the Protectorate Academy.Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Defeats several monsters and eldritch beings over the course of the story, including the Ruin itself.Cyborg: Once you unlock Techs, your character essentially becomes one, capable of dashing, double-jumping, and curling into a ball to get into tight places.The Chosen One: Well, chosen by Esther Bright, at any rate, to find the six artifacts from each of the races and bring them together to stop any more planets from meeting the fate of Earth.The Call Knows Where You Live: The Ruin attacks Earth on the day of the player's graduation, destroying the planet and leaving the player stranded in space.Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: While they manage to destroy the Ruin, they fail to escape its cataclysmic destruction and are killed in the process.Thank goodness the Cultivator is able to revive them and bring them back to the Ark. Back from the Dead: At the end of the game, the player defeats the Ruin but dies in the ensuing planetwide explosion.All Up to You: Unlike most examples, this is Justified - not only is the player the Sole Survivor of the Protectorate, but they're the only member of the main group to have both the ability and motivation to take on the Ruin - Esther is too old to fight, Nuru has no personal interest in fighting the Ruin, Koichi is a Non-Action Guy, Tonauac is not athletic enough to help and a Nice Guy besides who wouldn't hurt a fly, Lana is focused on defeating the Miniknog and is implied to still be recovering from injuries, the Baron is too old and scatter-brained to help out, and while Captain Noble wasn't added until a later update, it's implied he has to help take down other threats as one of the last surviving Peacekeepers.Then, a large, tentacled monstrosity known as the Ruin attacks and destroys the planet, forcing you to escape with only a Matter Manipulator- the symbol of the Protectors- and a broken-down ship at your disposal.

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Your journey begins at the graduation ceremony, which you're running late for. A graduate of the Protector's Academy on Earth.

Starbound free fuel